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The First of Many 12/2/16

Day 66:

This week has been filled with a lot of 'firsts' for Josh. He got his first real shower since the accident (we are all thankful for that). He also got his first visit from a therapy dog, a golden retriever named Pippin. We loved getting to see Pippin with Josh! The doctors and nurses are also starting to get Josh used to having his trach capped for longer and longer periods of time. His breathing continues to get a little better each day as well.

We are so thankful for small steps each day.

I am often asked, “How are you doing?” It is a hard question to answer. In some ways I feel we are doing well given all we have been through the last 2 months. We have experienced an overwhelming outpouring of love and support…more than we have ever experienced in our lives. Josh continues to make progress and I can’t tell you how much his mom looks forward to kissing him goodnight each night!

On the other hand, these are hard days. It hurts. It is lonely. Our hearts are heavy. The coming weeks will be tough as we begin to make decisions on matters at home that will have a lasting impact on our family. And at the end of the day when Kelly goes to kiss Josh goodnight tonight, he still cannot kiss her back.

So if you should ask, “How are you doing?” Understand, I may pause. Not because the question is awkward but because our family is feeling everything all at once. Words sometimes fall short of all the emotions we experience. However, we do hope that through all of this, you know that the Fohners are confident we do not walk down this dark road alone. The Almighty walks with us…and he walks with Josh.

Psalm 8:2

"Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger."

All In For Josh

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