Update on Josh..."Ask Josh!"

If you want to know what Josh wants to watch on TV...ask Josh. If you want to know if Josh is too cold...ask Josh. If you want to know if Josh wants to go bed...ask Josh. You won't need to ask Kelly or I anymore!
In the past 4 weeks Josh has had a sharp increase in progress. One specific development is wiggling his toes in response to questions! He is communicating through this. He is also reading! He is working hard with his therapy. There has been enough progress that the VA is now working on getting him back down to the Polytrauma Rehabilitation Center in San Antonio for more extensive evaluation and rehabilitation. We are excited and thankful!
Josh has set two bold goals:
First, to be able to send text messages by the New Year. Part of the challenge will be manipulating the technology necessary to achieve the goal. That is a prayer request.
Second, Josh wants to stand. And that is doable! It will take some hard work and it will take some time but given his current progress, it is a realistic goal!
What we have witnessed in the past 4 weeks some people thought was impossible. Now what we are hearing is that it is a miracle! If you don't believe that, we suggest you..."Ask Josh!"
"The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent." Exodus 14:14
All In For Josh!
The Fohners